台北で個展を開催します。ご旅行などで台北にいらっしゃる際には是非お立ち寄り下さい。 Hello My Friend 2017 4/15~4/23 オープニングパーティー: 4/15 15:00~ 台北市明水路563号 Art Space 563 ![]() 小時候我有個好朋友 當我很無聊或難過的時候他都會讓我開心 在意想不到的時候,他會忽然冒出來讓我嚇一跳 什麼秘密我都能對他講出來 可是他比較怕生,只願意跟我一起玩 近來一直看不見他,不知道他最近怎麼樣呢? 親愛的老朋友,你好嗎? A World of More
In this series we travel in and out of the past and present time. Images and voices of ourselves float through our minds. These are from the landscapes of our childhood memories and while others are from our adult state of mind which are triggered by a nostalgia. As children we see much more and know much more than we remember. The same thoughts that hound us as adults today are no different than the ones we had as children. Except, when “all grown up” the poignancy of being lost and alone has been overtaken by suspicious and false realities we place upon ourselves. We yearn and in chagrin we also secretly wish to once again find that spark and flicker; that magical place where we believed in a world which always holds more and the way to our dreams are wide open. We wonder how our imaginary friend is doing? Is it possible he or she still exists and will come back to give us strength and courage? 在這個系列裏, 懷揣對明天的期許,我們穿梭於過於和現在。來往之間,在腦海裏,我們看到自己的形容,聆聽自己的心聲。 或許,觸景生情,憶起舊時那片光景;亦或,任記憶蔓延而出,流入當下。 孩提時代, 所見所知遠超所能銘記的。推搡著我們長大成人的那些思慮,與孩提時代的所思所想原是相同。只是如今,迷失和孤獨的痛楚,已隱沒於我們為自己建造的虛假現實之中。我們憧憬、焦躁,卻又偷偷尋覓著星點火花; 因為那個擁有全世界希望的神奇之地, 一直都在,我們仍然可以找到一種方式去追逐我們的夢想。禁不住暢想,幼時那些假想的朋友現在過得如何?她或他會來給我們力量和勇氣嗎? Frances Lin コメントの受け付けは終了しました。
12月 2020
福田さかえ fukuda sakaeJapanese illustrator living in shanghai. |