盛夏来月球看 “Moonstruck-月惑” 福田荣画展
日本艺术家福田荣带着她笔下的怪女孩和精灵兔来到了小小的月球咖啡馆,在一个多月的时间里,你可以来月球看福田的画作,同时可以喝一杯咖啡职人小A手作的云南咖啡。 福田的作品带着女性特有的纤细和敏感,放大最细微的感受,幻化成画面中那些古怪精灵的少女,游离在现实与梦幻之间,脆弱,迷茫,冷漠,天真,却又精致美丽。 展览的主题名为“Moonstruck”,原义是“月亮下会变得古怪,甚至有些疯狂”的意思。2014的盛夏,来月球和福田一起做梦吧。 Sakae Fukuda Solo Exhibition, “Moonstruck.” Let’s meet under the mid-summer moon. Japanese artist Sakae Fukuda brings a mysterious young girl and a rabbit to a small moon café. During this one-month long exhibition, while enjoying her paintings, you can drink Yunnan coffee, self-roasted by barista Ms. A. Sakae Fukuda’s works have a feminine delicateness and sensitivity, while magnifying subtle feelings. In her dream-like paintings, a mysterious young girl freely goes in and out of reality and illusion. These young girls are frail, ill humored, and simple-minded, yet have a kind of exquisite beauty. The exhibition theme, “moonstruck,” refers to “losing one’s composure, going crazy in a dreamy state of mind at night under the shining moon.” This summer 2014, why not go crazy together with Sakae Fukuda under the moon? コメントの受け付けは終了しました。
12月 2020
福田さかえ fukuda sakaeJapanese illustrator living in shanghai. |